What My Supporters are Saying

"After working for years with Ismalis when she served in Evanston as a school social worker it was clear that she is always student-centered first. Her ability to connect with students and families was simply unmatched by others in the field. She was an asset to the community and continues to be in any environment she is in."


"Ismalis came to our school and was the keynote for a school wide assembly. From the moment she engaged with our students, they were locked in. Her ability to connect with students to share her educational journey and encourage others to live in their true authentic selves is amazing. Our kids still comment on how impactful she was and how much they learned about others and more importantly themselves in a hour long assembly. If she can find a way to connect with 660 students in less than an hour, I can only imagine the impact she can make as a member of the GRSP school board. Her passion, knowledge, and professionalism will be a gift and I know she will make impactful and positive change to the district."


"I have known Ismalis since we were GRPS students together. She is intelligent, committed, and has dedicated her life to helping students and families. She brings her lived experience to work every day and is a champion for social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am thrilled that she is now bringing her experience and passion to the scholars of GRPS. She has my full support and endorsement."

-Madelaine Lane, Attorney, Proud GRPS Graduate, and past GRPS Foundation Board President 

Share Your Testimonial

Many of you have reached out and asked if you can support me with your testimonials. I created a Google form to help collect your stories. Please feel free to share any relevant experiences that you believe would be helpful for others to hear about why I should be on the GRPS school board.

Your testimonial is valuable in spreading the word about their impact. Share your story today.

Contact Us

Have more questions or want to share your thoughts with Ismalis? Reach out to us using the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.